Saturday, May 1, 2010

SPLAT Art Camp 2010!

We are getting ready for Art Camp 2010, and we hope you are making plans to come and join us! Last summer we had a GREAT time painting, drawing, creating sculptures and getting messy, and we hope you are making plans to join us this summer!

We will again be holding our camp at the Crossing Church in Columbia. This years dates are June 14th - 18th and June 21st - 25th from 1:30-4:00 in the afternoons. We are open to any child who will be entering 1st - 5th grades in the fall.

Our first session, June 14th - 18th, will focus on 3-dimensional projects. We will be using all sorts of materials to create sculptures and mobiles and even a mask made from plaster.

Our second session, June 21st - 25th, will be all about 2-dimensional art. This will include painting on a real canvas, drawing, printmaking and mixed media projects.

You can choose the session that you think you would enjoy the most, or come to both!

Click here for more information and our registration form.

We hope to see you there!

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